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je vous fais part d'un article écrit par un nouveau membre de ce forum qui sera présent lors de la visite de dimanche 15 septembre à 10h00 ...


>> pour compléter le sujet :

>> reference qui pourrait apparaitre dans la bibliographie !! >> article également paru dans 39/45 magasine en librairie !!Very Happy Laughing 

Bonne lecture !



C'est quoi cet article de Cécédille!



Henri Salmide, le "Von Choltitz bordelais" ?

Heinz Stahlschmidt
Il y a les faits glorieux injustement célébrés (Von Choltitz "sauveur de Paris"), mais aussi injustement oubliés, comme l'audacieux coup de main de Heinz Stahlschmidt, sous-officier de la Kriegsmarine, qui fit sauter, seul, le 22 août 1944 le dépôt de munitions contenant les charges explosives destinées à détruire le port de Bordeaux au départ des troupes d'occupation allemandes.

Ce sous-officier mécanicien (feldwebel artificier), soldat modèle, aux convictions de jeunesse national-socialistes affirmées, valeureux rescapé de deux naufrages en opérations militaires dans la mer du Nord, décoré de la médaille de guerre et de la croix de fer, est affecté à Bordeaux en 1941. Il y trouve le répit et un certain art de vivre. Il s'y fait des amis, y compris une jeune bordelaise, Henriette, qu'il fréquente assidûment.

Aussi, lorsqu'en 1944 la guerre tourne mal pour l'occupant, convaincu par ses amis - dont certains appartenant à la Résistance -, qu'il ne sert à rien de s'obstiner, il accepte de participer à cette mission de sabotage qui finit par lui être confiée. Après l'explosion du bunker de la rue Raze, près des quais, il est pris en charge par la Résistance, alors que la Gestapo avait déjà commencé à enquêter sur lui et ses fréquentations. L'explosion fait 15 morts dont 13 sentinelles et 2 membres de la Gestapo qui le suivaient et s'étaient rendus sur place. Déserteur, et condamné à mort, il n'a d'autre choix que de rester en France, à Bordeaux. Par la suite il devient français sous le nom de Henri Salmide, épouse Henriette avec laquelle il vit jusqu'à sa mort à 90 ans, en février 2010.

La légende du « sauveur de Bordeaux » a pris naissance tardivement, et non sans peine. A la différence de Von Choltitz, Henri Salmide n'avait pas le talent de la forger. Il mena une vie simple de sapeur-pompier forestier, affecté ensuite au bateau pompe du port de Bordeaux jusqu'à sa retraite en 1969. Ses efforts pour faire valoir ses hauts faits furent longtemps vains. D'autres les revendiquaient, parmi les divers pôles de la Résistance, divisée. Les historiens faisaient valoir, non sans raison, l'existence de pourparlers préalablement engagés entre les autorités allemandes, la municipalité et la Résistance pour un repli pacifique de l'occupant, au seul prix de l'obstruction du fleuve pour rendre le port inutilisable sans autre destruction. Le Major Kühnemann, en charge de la Marine allemande, était, dans le civil, un aimable négociant en vin, amateur de Bordeaux, soucieux de l'avenir et ouvert au dialogue. La relation de causalité entre l'explosion du dépôt de munitions et le départ des allemands sans représailles sur la ville n'est pas assurément établie. Bien au contraire, puisque les pourparlers avec l'occupant se sont poursuivis jusqu'au 24 août.

Henri Salmide n'obtint jamais, malgré ses demandes réitérées, le statut de « combattant volontaire de la Résistance », faute de justifier de « 90 jours d'activité clandestine avant le 6 juin 1944 ». La légion d'honneur qui lui fut enfin accordée, en 2000, visait « 23 ans de services civils » !

Cependant il existe bien un ordre particulier n° 1221-44 qui prévoit le minage, puis la destruction du pont de Bordeaux dans la nuit du 26 au 27 août et l'anéantissement de toutes les installations économiques. Le plan prévoyait une charge explosive tous les 50 mètres sur 10 kilomètres de quais, le dynamitage de la passerelle du chemin de fer outre celui du pont de pierre. 100 kg d'explosifs et 4000 mèches lentes étaient stockés à cette fin dans le blockhaus de la rue Raze. Le dégâts en vies humaines pouvaient être estimés à 3000 morts. Heinz Stahlschmidt était bien chargé de préparer l'opération.

Comme cela a été fait pour Von Choltitz, dans la pièce « Diplomatie », un dramaturge pourrait mettre en scène le dilemme de Stahlschmidt : faire son devoir de soldat et obéir aux ordres, ou bien suivre le conseil de ses amis et résister, pour l'amour de Bordeaux et les beaux yeux d'Henriette.

Henri Salmide (2010)
Il semble qu'Heinz Stahlschmidt n'ait pas beaucoup hésité.

Sa décision, sans doute plus impulsive et, par la suite, moins bien exploitée, vaut bien les froids calculs du gouverneur du Gross Paris. Henri Salmide a su montrer une longue fidélité à celles qu'il avait choisies : sa femme et sa nouvelle patrie. Il attendra 2001 pour revenir pour la première fois dans sa ville natale de Dortmund en Westphalie. Il est enterré au cimetière protestant de Bordeaux et a demandé que son nom allemand figure sur sa pierre tombale.


  • Henri Adeline (général), La libération du Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux-Royan-La Rochelle, Août 44-mai 1945, Imprimerie Baconnier, Alger, 1948.

  • Robert Aron, Histoire de la libération de la France, t. 3, Arthème Fayard, 1974, p. 104 et suiv. (y figure l'ordre particulier 1221-44 prévoyant la destruction des quais et des ponts de Bordeaux)

  • Dominique Lormier: Bordeaux brûle-t-il ?, ou la Libération de la Gironde 1940-1944, Les Dossiers d'Aquitaine, 2003

  • Erich Schaake, L'allemand qui sauva Bordeaux par amour, Michel Lafon, 2011. Récit romancé de l'épisode, illustré de photos.

  • Voir les nombreuses informations échangées sur le  forum  Bordeaux 39 45, animé par de Erwan Langéo, et son opuscule Bordeaux, été 44 Obstruction du port et des points de franchissement (tome 7) qui contient l'histoire du blokhaus de la rue Raze.

 Outre Salmide, il reste sans doute des héros oubliées : ainsi Pablo Sánchez, guérillero espagnol de 31 ans engagé dans la Résistance avec quelques autres maquisards de la 24e division des guérilleros FFI-UNE. Le 27 août 1944, il neutralise le système d’activation des mines que les Allemands avaient placé sur l’ouvrage. Il est abattu d’une rafale de mitraillette par un soldat allemand caché dans une grue, en face de Saint Michel, alors qu’il quitttait le pont en criant “On a gagné!" Voir le récit dans Sud Ouest du 14/04/2013.



Merci, j'avais lu l'article, mais en fait  je me demandai s'il n'y a pas quelques petites  erreurs  dans son article.



En particulier cette phrase là ... confused 

Aussi, lorsqu'en 1944 la guerre tourne mal pour l'occupant, convaincu par ses amis - dont certains appartenant à la Résistance -, qu'il ne sert à rien de s'obstiner, il accepte de participer à cette mission de sabotage qui finit par lui être confiée.


Erwann a écrit:En particulier cette phrase là ... confused 

Aussi, lorsqu'en 1944 la guerre tourne mal pour l'occupant, convaincu par ses amis - dont certains appartenant à la Résistance -, qu'il ne sert à rien de s'obstiner, il accepte de participer à cette mission de sabotage qui finit par lui être confiée.
 je d'accord, c'était plutot le contraire, c'est bien heinz S. qui a appelé la resistance à l'aider au départ. Il a prit l'initiative seul.





Un article paru cette semaine dans le périodique egyptien almasryalyoum

[rtl]Stalschmidt Vs Salmid ... an officer who won the war twice, entered a German and exited French, “The world war has its secrets” (5)
Friday 04-09-2020 22:47 | Written by: Marwan Maher |


ARTICLE DE "CECEDILLE" / HEINZ STAHLSCHMIDT 1296295_0Henry Salmed, a Frenchman, holding his picture when he was a German called Heinz Stalmidt  

[rtl]Traitor or hero? .. German-born or French belonging, a question that kept plaguing a person who was treated in denial and rendered homeless, from 1944 until his death in 2010, for disobeying military orders, becoming a traitor on the one hand and a hero on the other side, but from the point of view of many he became twice victorious When Germany won at the beginning of the war and was a soldier in its navy, then things turned around and France triumphed when he became French .

The German naval officer, Heinz Stalchmidt, was born in the German city of Dortmund in 1919, and became a Frenchman named Henry Salmid since 1944 in the French city of Bordeaux at the end of World War II until his death in the same city in 2010, after he refused to bomb the port of Bordeaux to deny the Allies access to it after The Normandy landing would not have killed at least 3,500 civilians.


Heinz Stalchmidt in the Navy


" Salmid" or "Stalschmidt" at birth, a young German who learned the profession of plumbing in the best plumbing school in the German Navy, in 1936, due to the inability of his mother and her husband to spend on his education, and in 1940, with Germany's occupation of Norway and Denmark, 3 ships he was serving in were sunk Among them was the heavy cruiser "Blusher" and then a frigate that was carried by him and his fellow soldiers in the Gulf of Oslo, but swam back to the coast, in an accident in which 560 Germans were killed, and after two months he asked not to sail, so he was transferred to the explosives squad and the design of mines and torpedoes for the German naval bases occupying France in Bordeaux. Royan and La Rochelle, and became an expert in neutralizing British mines.


Heinz Stalchmidt in the German Navy


According to the French writer, Christian Seguin, in November 1941, Stalschmidt returned to Germany from France - which he arrived in April 1941 - to pursue a 4-month training course to be an expert in explosives and mines. Returning to Bordeaux in 1942, he soon made friends and met his French sweetheart Henriette Buisson, and was later tasked with inspecting weapons throughout the region and coordinating the activities of a number of storage hangars in the city center .

Stchmidt was suffering from deteriorating health, which made him unable to sail again due to the Oslo Bay accident, and he kept working on the docks as a mechanic and an explosives expert. Stalshmidt could hardly understand French, but he treated everyone very politely, and he had no German friends in his camp - according to the French historian André Vettier, who explained that German soldiers noticed his different behavior with the population, and the French considered him more tolerant, so they called him "the little Frenchman ".

In August 1944 things changed forever, after the successful Normandy landing, and with the advance of the Allied forces throughout France, the Germans had no choice but to retreat, but in Bordeaux, Berlin decided, on August 19, to destroy the port and the city's infrastructure, so that the Allies would not benefit from it. To weaken their position, a plan was drawn up to plant bombs every 50 meters along 8-10 kilometers from the waterfront and the city bridges, and the explosives, pistons, timers, and devices needed for the operation were stored in a bunker on Rise Street to become the day of the bombing on August 26th, and the person responsible for the implementation was The operation is Heinz Stalschmidt


The port, the moment the Germans left it, and the bombing of the warehouse in 1944


Stalschmidt knew that the operation was too late for the Germans, who had already lost their case, and Stalschmidt began to say goodbye to his German identity forever, when he communicated the plan to an acquaintance of the French Resistance, called "William Dupuy", but Dupuy did not have any means to abort the disaster but Stalschmidt Take responsibility and choose to disobey orders. 4 days before the scheduled operation, specifically on August 22nd, he entered the explosives store and lit a fuse of dynamite before moving away on his motorbike and hiding in the garden of the "Garden Public". A short time later, the store exploded, killing 13 German soldiers and 2 Members of the Gestapo (then German secret police), the city was saved and more than 3,500 people were to be killed .

Stachlemet became a wanted and a fugitive, a traitor, and after a short period of hiding in the garden, he continued his escape on foot towards the home of Dupuy, but before reaching the house, he met the rugby players of the French Resistance, André Muga - who later became the mayor of the city - and Jay Xenav, They sent him in turn to the sister of the first "Marceline Muga" to hide in her home until the Germans left the city on August 28 .

Stalshmidt became the fifth brother of Muga's family and his comrades in the city, then voluntarily surrendered to the French authorities, who were looking for him because he was German - while the Germans were looking for him before they left the city because he was a traitor, so he became a prisoner of war, and they almost executed him by firing squad, but he volunteered to work in removing Mines are in captivity and he became a trainer for the French to remove mines in the Gironde center in the city. In Germany, the "Gustapo", of the Stalschmidt family, retaliated by executing his mother by firing squad and imprisoning his brother .

In March 1946, Stalshmidt was acquitted and obtained the necessary papers to return to Germany, where Britain was in control of his city, "Dortmund," but he refused so that the British would not arrest him, and he was afraid of the Germans who removed his name from the list of navy personnel eligible for a pension after the war .

French historians stated that the French Resistance did not grant the former German soldier his right to fame and preferred to celebrate them as liberators of the city, who blew up the German explosives store even though they knew the truth, as was the mayor of Bordeaux at the time, Adrien Marquet, reinforces the story of Stalman’s responsibility for fear of the Germans carrying out reprisals against citizenship. The French historian, Dominique Lormiere, who has written extensively about how the war broke out in southwestern France, said in his book Will Bordeaux Burn?: “The French Resistance wanted to classify the story itself by saying that they were behind Stchmidt’s actions .”

But Heinz Stalchmidt stayed in Bordeaux, and in 1947 he became a French citizen by the name of Henri Salmid, and he married his girlfriend Henriette in 1949 and struggled hard to prove what he believed was what he believed to be the best thing in his life for the city .


Henry Salmed receiving the Bordeaux Medal


Stalshmidt worked as a firefighter in the city under the command of a Frenchman called "Saldo", who was the one who told him that his people were killed in Germany, and in 1952, he saw that Saldo did not promote him and claimed that he was the one who saved the port from the Germans and not someone else, and Henry Salmid felt that he was despised and ignored. , Until he retired in 1969, on a meager pension, but struggled to gain recognition in France as well .

The two French historians, Michel Sofran and André Vettier, stated that Stalshmidt was treated with denial and a state of indifference in France, so he considered himself a man without a homeland .

What added to his depression was that the French called him "boche" , a derogatory title they used to give to the German soldiers after the war, in addition to the fact that his countrymen considered him a traitor until he faced another fact, which is that Lieutenant Colonel Saldo officially claimed in forged documents that he was the one who saved the port. In addition to the fact that many from his homeland consider him a traitor and a fugitive, until he faced another truth, which is that his mother was not killed in Germany, but died in 1972 in pain of what happened to her son in France.

The French historian, Erwan Longo, a specialist in World War II and one of the biographers of Henri Salmid, told Al-Masry Al-Youm: “Stalshmidt had to prove his story, especially that after liberation he did not reach his acquaintances in Bordeaux as he was afraid for his life at the time of liberation and was wandering around armed. Always wary of the Germans and the French as well . ”

Stalshmidt adhered throughout his life that not blowing up the port represented order and justice for him, but he became a confused figure, especially after he was deprived of the advantage of his heroism .

Salmed was not afraid to return to Germany, but the French authorities in particular, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Saldo, told him that his mother had been killed and his brother was imprisoned, but that was not the case, although he was keen to restore his memories in a devastated country, but he was also immediately convinced that Britain Occupying Dortmund will not make his life easier, and although he was a very strong personality, he could not bear the inconvenience .

According to Seguin, over the years following his retirement, Salmed made every effort to obtain French recognition and possibly additional compensation from the French state for his heroism, but to no avail. He was so frustrated by the lack of support and the number of unanswered letters from officials, to the point that he In January 1983 he wrote to the French President, François Mitterrand, a letter of complaint, and returned his electoral card to show the extent of his disappointment with the French system .

Siguen explained: “Salmed continued for 10 years trying to seize his right, until the veterans demanded that his rights be looked into, and in 1992 Andre Muga called me on his deathbed, and he told me: This forgotten man was fair from history, because he has the credit for not destroying Bordeaux. ».


Henri Salmed in the port of Bordeaux


He confirmed that he helped Salmed in 1993, to reach his right, and in 1994, the photographer of "Agence France Presse", Olivier Morien, took a famous photo of him on the dock in 1994 .

In 1995, he was awarded the "Medal of Honor of Bordeaux" for his work for more than 20 years in the civil service in the city, but this caused him new frustration because his military heroism was not mentioned .

Until Salmid appeared and spoke in 1997 - according to Reuters - and said: "My religious conscience is what prevented me from arbitrarily destroying the port when the war was clearly lost and without strategic justification ."

According to the American newspaper "The New York Times", Salmid said: "No one wanted to admit that I was the one who did that .. If I were French, it would have been easier for me."


Henry during his tribute


The French novelist and documentary Major-Hermeshel said that Salmid is a man who changed the course of history in Bordeaux by having enough courage to disobey the orders of his superiors .

Majorer added to Al-Masry Al-Youm that when asked: “Why did you risk your life in this way?” He replied with severe disapproval: “I did not move to save myself, nor for anything, which I rejected more than once, because I followed the path of my behavior. First and foremost, my hatred for the Nazi regime, and then my love for France .

Speaking to “Al-Masry Al-Youm”, he returned and said “Longo” is Salmed's biographer in the book “The German Who Refuses to Destroy the Port of Bordeaux”: that during his conversation with Henry Salmid, he did not mention to him about his love for Nazism or not, because of his participation in the beginning of the war with The Nazis, however, asserted that Henry was a man who hated chaos .


Port Street named after him


He explained that Salmid never told him if he hated the Nazis or not and that the texts that say the opposite in his personal belongings are crossed out by his hand, and Salmed spent the last months of the war in hiding with a French woman whose grandson, Alain Muga, later held the position of deputy mayor of Bordeaux, who confirmed It was during the adoption of the street in his own name that Salmed became a friend of the family from the war, until his death .

After that, the city of Bordeaux tried to give Stalshmidt his right, and the city council said that the credit for Salmed's actions was not only for saving thousands of civilian lives, but also for saving the most important port in France in exporting wine, and maintaining a stable platform for economic recovery in the region after the war. .

In 2000, after 56 years, Salmed was awarded the highest French honor, the Legion of Honor, during the reign of the French President, Jacques Chirac, and in 2001 he returned on a single visit to Dortmund, where his childhood, to try to explain the reasons that led him to this at the age of 82, despite the embarrassment of politicians The locals, he came to silence the rumors that described him as a traitor or a fugitive, and he was very happy at the time and said: "Without the Legion of Honor, I would not be able to speak ."

But while France recognized him as a hero - and awarded him the Legion of Honor, the country's highest civilian honor - he was considered a traitor in postwar Germany, his name removed from the list of naval personnel deemed eligible for a pension and his name removed from the honor rolls of the German Navy. Despite the fact that he survived three sinking incidents of warships serving the Reich .

The American writer, T. Reyes Shapiro - according to the Washington Post - who wrote "Heinz Stalchmidt, the demolition expert who thwarted the burning of Bordeaux", said that he went to his childhood land in Germany once and declared his allegiance to France there and proudly wore the French Legion of Honor badge on the jacket he wore during the visit. .


Henri Salmid receives the highest French order "Legion of Honor"


"Longo" said that Salmed kept his identity papers and was very proud of his career, but in general he was bitter about his situation, which was confirmed by the Bordeaux Museum in the Centennial Ceremony when they confirmed that despite the disadvantages of what he saw because he decided to live in France, he will be honored by opening A special album of him in the museum. After some French newspapers described Stalschmidt as a man who suffered terrible pains by losing his identity, "Longo" said that he became Henry, then Henry the Amalites, then Henry Salmid .. but he always remained "Stalschmidt".


Henry and his French wife (photo LANGEO)


In 2010, Salmed died and was buried in Bordeaux, and the Port Authority gave the name of Henry Salmed to the main office building and then baptized Salmed Street from the place of Mary Prizard at the request of French historians, and said his wife, who was still alive at the time, Henry can rest in peace After he returned to him his home, which he adopted his right .


Bordeaux Cemeteries



Bordeaux Cemetery where Henry is buried


In the book “Bordeaux My Love” by the French historian, Arielk Schack, he explained that the reason for not destroying Bordeaux was Henry's love for his wife at the time. However, the French historian, Arawan Longo, explained to “Al-Masry Al-Youm” that love has nothing to do with saving the port of Bordeaux, but rather for the benefit of Bordeaux people only because they did not see any strategic reason for this .


Newly port street


Heinz "Salchmidt" or Henry "Salmid" was always sorry to the Germans for the killing of some soldiers because of the explosion that he caused during the war, but he used to repeat that if he returned time to do the same thing, because he always explained his behavior that when a person received orders His conscience does not accept it nor should he implement it, and above military  conscience discipline, there is only one thing called   

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